Writing On Page SEO Friendly Blog Posts for Traffic 2024

Search Engine Optimization

Writing On Page SEO Friendly Blog Posts for Traffic 2024

11/05/2023 11:34 PM by Admin in Seo

Writing On Page SEO Friendly Blog Posts for Traffic 2024

Friends, if you do blogging, or manage any website, then let us tell you that in today's time, the best way to bring traffic i.e. visitors to your website is SEO. Friends, let us tell you that with the help of SEO, you can bring not only lakhs but crores of visitors to your website. Therefore, in today's article, we will tell you all the important things about On-Page SEO.

So that by learning On-Page SEO, you can bring millions of free traffic to your website from Google. In this article, we will tell you what is SEO, what are the types of SEO, how many factors are there for ranking a website in SEO, what things should be kept in mind while doing SEO of your website, etc. Therefore, read this article completely and till the end. Let us first know what SEO is.

What is SEO?

The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization, which means optimizing your website for search engines. Before knowing SEO, let us know what Search Engine is and how it works. After that we will understand the topic of SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization better and will learn about its use and by using it we will learn to grow our website.

What is a Search Engine?

A search Engine is a website where people search for their queries questions or information. Let us tell you that the world's largest search engine is Google. When someone searches for something on the Google Search Engine website, he sees the titles and descriptions of many websites inside the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).
To bring their website into this search engine, people do Search Engine Optimization so that their website can appear in the top results of Google Search Result. Let us now tell you that we know about how to optimize your website in search engines. And for that, we need to know about the types of search engines. We will know that also, but for now, let us know how the search engine works.

How does a Search Engine work?

Search Engine crawls all the websites through its bot and then understands the content of that website. After that when the user searches the related query in Google Search. Then the search engine shows some content inside the result pages, which is related to that searched topic.

Keyword plays a very important role in all this analysis and the website is shown in SERPs. Search Engine Bot suggests content based on keywords by reading the sentences inside the website and based on the keywords extracted from it. For this reason, it is very important to use keywords inside the website to understand which topics people search for most on the Internet search engines.

How many types of SEO are there?

SEO can be divided into many types. But SEO is divided into two main types. There are two types – On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. Let us know thoroughly about these two types of SEO. And let us also know about how it works.

How many types of SEO are there?

On Page SEO means optimizing the content of your website for SEO. The most important thing used in this is – Keyword. However, the entire SEO i.e. Search Engine works based on Keywords only.
In this, the content of the website is optimized in such a way that it becomes easier for the search engine to understand your website. And for this, you should follow the keywords and all On Page SEO parameters very well in your post.

Let us tell you about some important components of On Page SEO.

  • Unique Self Written Content
  • Word Count
  • High-Quality Content
  • External Linking
  • Internal Linking
  • Meta Description
  • Image Alt Tag
  • Heading
  • Title
  • Keyword

How to do On Page SEO inside your website?

Friends, On Page SEO means making the content present on your website even better. And for this, we have to prepare our post keeping in mind all the terms given above.

This means that first of all, with the help of a Keyword Research Tool, you should see what most people are searching about on the Internet, after that you should also see how much competition there is on that topic.

After that, by choosing a topic, you can see what kind of content is already uploaded by the top 5 websites on Google or other search engines. Now you should try to create better content from them so that the on page of your website can increase.

After that you use the keyword inside the Meta Description, use the keyword inside the Conclusion below the article, and also use the keyword between the Title, Subheading, and Article.

Keep in mind that your keyword should not be used more than 1% to 3% inside the website. Therefore, if you use WordPress, then you must use Rank Math SEO Plugin, which is a very good WordPress web tool for On Page SEO.

After that, keep your article with more word count than the competitor, and try to use images also in your article. Also include the keyword in the title and alt tag of the image. Also give some external links inside the post of your website.

So, friends, this was the information about what is On Page SEO, and how you can use On Page SEO. In this article above, along with what is On Page SEO, we have also told you about how On Page SEO is done. Let us now tell you about Off Page SEO which is very important for SEO.

What is Off Page SEO?

Off Page SEO means linking your website to other websites. Which is called Link Building. Link building is very important for SEO and it plays a very important role in ranking the website in search engines.

Strategies to increase the authority of your website by building links are called backlinks. Many people say today that Off Page SEO does not play that much of an important role in today's time. But it is very important, and let us explain it with an example.

How does Off Page SEO work?

In today's time, hundreds and thousands of websites upload content on any one topic, in such a situation, after looking at Search Engine Bot, On Page SEO, it sees how many backlinks the website has created. And whichever website has the best and high quality backlink. That website ranks higher on the search engine result pages compared to other websites.

However, Off Page SEO does not mean linking your website to many websites with the help of link building. Creating backlinks from the wrong website and an irrelevant website can also result in a penalty on your website by Google Search Engine and your website can also be out of SERP i.e. Search Engine Result Page.

Therefore, you should always do link building only from Relevant and High Domain Authority Websites, and if link building of your website is done from the wrong website, then you must remove that link. So, friends, this was the information about Off Page SEO.

Some other types of SEO

Apart from this, there are some other types of SEO. But mainly there are only two parts of SEO. All other types of SEO come under these two types. Let us know about some more types of SEO.

  • White Hat SEO
  • Gray Hat SEO
  • Black Hat SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Negative SEO

Some tools used for SEO

Friends, it is very important to do SEO work with the help of tools. By using these tools you can improve your SEO practice. Let us tell you about some very important SEO tools.

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahref Free Backlink Checker
  • Similar Web Website Traffic Checker
  • Rank Math Wordpress Plugin
  • Google Trends

Use of SEO in Digital Marketing.

Friends, let us tell you that SEO is used the most in today's times. In which blogging is its most important part. Along with this, SEO plays a very important role in different types of websites like e-commerce, Landing Page Websites, Personal Websites, etc. in growing your website. In such a situation, friends, you must learn to use SEO if you want to become a good SEO Digital Marketer.

Today, SEO in Digital Marketing plays a very important role in the field of marketing to market your website. In today's Internet world, business can be brought online and marketed all over the world. Therefore, SEO plays a very important role in this and it is very helpful in growing the website.

But becoming a good SEO expert in the field of Digital Marketing is not as easy as people think that it can be learned in a week with the help of a video course. Rather, to become a good SEO Expert, a person should understand how the Internet world works and how the Search Engine works. For this, the user should consistently put in efforts to grow his website. And then we should learn from our experience. Therefore, for SEO, you should read a lot of modules and implement them on your website.


Question: What is White Hat SEO?

Answer - In White Hat SEO, the content of the website is created following the guidelines of the Search Engine Webmaster.

Question: What is Black Hat SEO?

Answer - In this, SEO is done by tricking the search engine by violating the policy inside the search engine. Due to this a large number of traffic comes to the website in the short term.

Question: What is Negative SEO?

Answer - Negative SEO is used by making a website's competitor backlink to the wrong website.

Conclusion :

Friends, in this article above we have told you complete information about SEO, types of SEO, and how it is used. Friends, if you have any other questions related to SEO, then please tell us by commenting. We will help you. Please share this article with other people, so that they can get information about SEO. Thank you very much for reading this article.