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Page speed Insight Checker Tool

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About Page speed Insight Checker Tool

What is Page Speed ​​Insight, and how to use the Page Speed ​​Insight Checker Tool?

If you manage a website, then you have to pay special attention to the fact that the loading speed of your website should be very fast to make your website grow in search engines. However, you can use the Page Speed Insight Checker Tool to know how fast your website is and what things can be fixed in it. Let us give you complete information about the Page Speed Insight Checker Tool.

What is the Page Speed ​​Insight Checker Tool?

Page Speed Insight Checker Tool is an online tool, which is used to evaluate the speed and performance of a website. If you are a website owner, developer, or webmaster then you can use this tool to check the performance of your website.

Through this tool, you can completely check what is missing in your website based on its speed, optimization, and usability. Page Speed Insight Tool is very useful for website owners and developers to improve website performance and provide a better user experience. Let us know how the Page Speed Insight Tool can help in the growth of our website.

  • Performance Metrics: These tools provide you with information about your website's performance metrics, such as Page Load Time, First Content Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and Total Blocking Time (TBT). Is. With the help of these metrics, you can understand how fast your website is and where it needs improvement.
  • Suggestion: This tool provides you with suggestions and advice by which you can improve the performance of your website. It suggests how you can further improve the speed and SEO of your website. This tool tells you about all the high-load images, JavaScripts, CSS, Server Response Time, and many other optimization techniques that need to be improved.
    Mobile and Desktop Performance: Page Speed Insight Checker Tool shows you the performance of mobile and desktop versions of the website separately. So that you can recognize the need for optimization for both and keep the theme and design of the website responsive and fast for both devices.
    Lighthouse Integration: Some Page Speed Insight Checker tools are integrated with Google's Lighthouse Performance Analysis Tool. Let us tell you that Lighthouse Integration Tool improves the overall performance and quality of the website. You can install Lighthouse API inside your website to increase the performance of your website.
    Real User Data (Field Data): Some tools use Field Data or Real User Data. Which gives you advice and solutions to improve your website by understanding the experience of actual users. This helps you understand the performance of the website from the real user perspective.
    Historical Data: Some tools provide you with historical data and trends, so you can see how your website performance has changed over time.
    API Integration: Some Page Speed Insight Checker tools are available as API. With this, website performance can be monitored regularly.

Friends, there are so many tools and supports inside a Page Speed Insight Tool. By using these tools you can improve the speed of your website, which will improve the user experience of your website and also improve the search engine ranking. In such a situation, if you want to improve the performance of your website, then you must use the Page Speed Insight Tool. Let us now know how to use Page Speed Insight Tool.

How to use the Page Speed ​​Insight Tool?

Come friends, now let us tell you the complete information about using Page Speed Insight Tool, and how you can increase the overall performance of your website by using Page Speed Insight Tool.

  • सबसे पहले आप Page Speed Insights Tool को Open कर लें।

  • उसके बाद आप दिए गए URL Search Box में अपना URL को डाल दें।

  • URL को डालने के बाद आप Analyze के Option पर Click कर दीजिये।

  • उसके बाद कुछ Second में में आपकी Website की Full Report आ जायेगी।

  • यह Reports दो Section में आयेगी, पहला आएगा Mobile Version के लिए और दूसरा आएगा Desktop Version के लिए।

  • आप दोनों ही अलग Version के लिए अलग - अलग पूरी Website की Reports को Check कर सकते हैं और यह भी Check कर सकते हैं की आप अपने Website के अंदर क्या Growth कर सकते हैं।


Question: How to use Page Speed Insight for your website?

Answer - To use Page Speed Insight, first open the Page Speed Insight Checker Tool website, and then enter the URL of your website in it and click on Analyze.

Question: How can I increase my website's score to 100% in Page Speed Insight Checker?

Answer -First of all, check your website inside the Page Speed Insight Checker Tool website and then fix your website by following all the suggestions properly. Your score will become 100%.

Conclusion :

Friends, in this article above, we have given you complete information about Page Speed Insight Checker Tool and also told you how you can increase the overall performance of your website. Friends, if you have any other questions related to the website, you can ask us by commenting. We will help you. Thank you very much for reading this article.