Friends, if you do blogging or manage a website and if you want the appearance of your website to be very good inside the search engine, then you will have to manage your website very well for the search engine. custom robots txt generator for blogger Let us tell you that you should pay attention to this while indexing your website.
You have to set which pages and URLs are to be indexed and which URLs are not to be indexed. And Robot txt option is used for this. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about robots txt generators to manage Robot.txt files and how you can make your website a high-quality website for search engine result pages by using Robot txt settings. How to use custom robots txt generator for blogger and tools
Robot txt is a text file, which is placed in the root directory of your website. So that Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Be able to regularly follow how to crawl your website and how not to crawl it.
In this file, you specify which web pages, directories, or files can be crawled by search engines and which cannot. Robot txt file gives guidelines to search engine web crawlers on how to behave i.e. crawl on your websites. custom robots txt generator for blogger
Let us tell you some more important things related to the Robot txt file.
1 - File Location: Let us tell you some more important things related to the Robot.txt file.
2 - Syntax: The basic format of the Robot.txt file is something like this.
User-agent: [Web Crawler]
Disallow: [Path]
User-agent - In this field, you can specify specific web crawlers (e.g., Googlebot, Bingbot).
Disallow - In this field, you specify those URLs or Directories which you do not want the Web Crawler to crawl.
उदाहरण :
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /private/
3 - Wildcard Use:
You can disallow multiple URLs by using wildcards. For example -
/private/*.pdf With this code all PDF files will be disallowed inside /private/ directory.
4 - Allow Directive : You can also use the ‘Allow’ directive. With this you can allow specific URLs or directories, while disallowing the rest.
उदाहरण :
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /private/
Allow: /private/public/
5 - Sitemap Reference : robots.txt generators You can also reference Sitemap in the Robot txt file. This lets the search engine know about the Sitemap of your website.
उदाहरण :
Sitemap: https://www.example.com/sitemap.xml
6 - Comments: Comments in the Robot txt file start with “#”. You can document the file by adding comments.
उदाहरण :
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /private/
7 - Multiple User-Agent : You can specify multiple user-agents and disallow/allow directives in a robot.txt file.
उदाहरण :
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /private/
User-agent: Bingbot
Disallow: /restricted/
Robot.txt file is a robots.txt generators powerful tool, but keep in mind that using it wrongly can have a negative impact on your website search engine ranking. Therefore, it is important to manage robots.txt generators properly and carefully.
custom robots txt generator for blogger Tools help you create Robot txt files and create rules to disallow or allow specific pages of your website from search engine bots. It is a bit difficult to use these tools, but you can robots.txt generators Tool You can learn to use it by following the steps given below.
Open Robots.txt Generators Tool
Website Selection :
User-Agent Selection :
Disallow / Allow Rules :
Sitemap Submission :
Generate :
Download :
Upload :
Testing :
Monitoring :
Question: How to generate a Robot.txt file?
Answer - To generate a Robot.txt file, you can take the help of the Robots.txt Generator Tool.
Question: How to generate a Robot.txt file for your website?
Answer - You can find the Robot.txt file in the root directory of your website.
Question: What will happen if there is no Robot.txt file on your website?
Answer - If there is no Robot.txt file on your website then Search Bot will index all the pages, posts, and URLs.
Robot.txt file plays an important role in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your website. Therefore it is very important to manage it properly. That's why you should generate and use Robot txt files carefully and safely. If you have any questions related to the custom robots txt generator for blogger tool, then please tell us by commenting. Thank you very much for reading this article.